This is a basic spell that will help you establish contact with one of your ancestors for the purpose of gaining a beneficial, supportive, and ongoing source of information and assistance.
Difficulty Level: Medium
Time: 1 hour
- Photo, description, or image of ancestor
- Object belonging to the ancestor
- General information about the ancestor, i.e. where they lived, maps, images, etc.
- Family-tree lines of connection, lineage tracing if available
- Image of you
- Pen, paper and envelope for a short, handwritten letter from you to your ancestor
- Small paper for writing out your desire
- Piece of cloth large enough to wrap around and enclose your letter, photo, and icon representing your ancestor
- Ribbon or string to tie around the cloth package
- A favorite object you can use to place on top of the fabric after it is wrapped around the items above, Examples: crystal, candle, etc.
- Other tools such as candles, incense, or pendulum
Need this spell on the go?
Spell Steps
Step 1: Take some time to relax and meditate about your desires pertaining to contacting this ancestor. In most cases, ancestors are connected to us through shared karma and soul-family lessons. Once they have passed into the ethereal realms, many are willing to help us as they are able to recognize the challenges that continue to occur in our lives as their descendants.
Step 2: Look over any genealogy you have and scan the names. Gently run your fingers over the names and take note of any sensory alerts. Dowsing over the names with a pendulum is another way to sense which ancestor would like to work with you.
Step 3: If you’re not aware of any specific ancestors, meditate and request that one of your earthly ancestors will hear your call. Take a few minutes to relax and extend your love out to those who have come before you. In this step, one of your ancestors will come forward even if you are not immediately aware of their presence or name.
Step 4: Once you identify the particular ancestor you would like to reach, gather the objects you plan to use for your spell. These items might include photos, images, descriptions, or maps. Try to find things that relate to your ancestor, the times they lived in, the place they lived, and other components. Use a personal object that might have belonged to your ancestor if any are available.
Step 5: Write a short letter to your ancestor introducing yourself and extending your invitation to open up a line of communication and contact. Be sure to include your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Step 6: Fold your letter and put it into an envelope. Write a short sentence or a few key words describing your main reason for contact on a separate piece of paper and include it in the envelope. Examples of keywords might be: better health, trauma recovery, more abundance, better attitude, loving relationship. etc. Keep these words general for this first contact. Seal the envelope. Write the name of your ancestor on the outside of the envelope. If you don’t know the name, use some sort of greeting such as, “Dear Ancestor of Mine.”
Step 7: Wrap the envelope, a photo of yourself, and an image representing your ancestor in your chosen fabric and tie it up with the string or ribbon you’ve collected.
Step 8: Bring together all the items you’ve gathered for this spell. This includes any additional images, maps, stories, descriptions, and objects.
Step 9: Find a safe space where you can place these things after this initial spell is completed. This can be a place in plain sight such as the top of a dresser, or it can be someplace private like a chest or box that will be used only for this contact and purpose.
Step 10: To start your spell, use any of the tools such as candles or incense that you’ve gathered to set up the desired ambience.
Step 11: Sit or stand comfortably. Relax and let yourself move into a light, meditative state.
Step 12: Using your visualization, establish a bubble or sphere of white and blue light around you. In your own words, state that you declare this space as safe and sacred and only open to those of high dimensions with the highest good as their purpose.
Step 13: Look at the items around you. If you have descriptions, take some time to scan over them. View any images. Touch or hold any objects you have. Absorb the energy of the life and times of the ancestor you are attempting to reach.
Step 14: Openly invite this ancestor to join you in this protective space. State that you would like to work with this ancestor and be of mutual assistance to each other. State that you will help clear the entire lineage of conflicts as you solve your own challenges.
Step 15: After you have made these statements, take some moments of silence. If words or images come into your mind, prepare to write these down in your magickal journal. Take note of any feelings you have in these moments as they can be clues as to the type of help this ancestor can offer. They can also reveal negative energies that need to be cleared.
Step 16: When you sense the energy is shifting or releasing, close this spell work by expressing your gratitude for the presence of all your ancestors and for this particular ancestor’s willingness to become an active part of your life.
Step 17: Place your wrapped letter and photos along with any other objects you’ve collected for this purpose in a safe place that you’ve prepared. As you continue to work with this ancestor, you will continue to add magickal energy to these objects.
Step 18: Release the special space you created for this spell, and put away any other tools you used.
Step 19: Write down any feelings or information you received in your magickal journal. Begin to think about any specific needs or requests you might have for this ancestor as these needs can be addressed when you continue to contact this ancestor.
Step 20: If you feel you want to continue to work on this relationship, plan the next time you’ll reach out to this new etheric contact.
to Work:
Moon Phase
New Moon
Moon Note
New moons and waxing moons will serve best for opening new lines of communication as they represent growing and expanding energies.
Monday, Wednesday
Day Note
Monday rules the energies of “mother” and family ties. Wednesday rules communication. Any day can be used, but these might enhance your abilities with regards to ancestral contact.
This is only the first of many spells in this series which establishes mutually beneficial links with ancestral beings. Watch for additional spells with the title of “Calling on Ancestors.” The more you continue to work with your chosen ancestors, the stronger and more efficient the links will become.