A crystal grid to assist in centering the family after the birth of a child.
Difficulty Level: Medium
Time: 45 minutes
Four quartz points
Four Black Tourmaline pieces
One Sodalite
One Aventurine
One Rose Quartz
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Spell Steps
Step 1: Stand in the middle of your home and set your intention for this crystal grid.
Step 2: Choose one of these blessings or virtues that you’d like this crystal grid to attract to your home – the best options for this grid are love, growth, joy, collaboration, clear communication, and grounded leadership.
Step 3: Find the north point of your home. If you have a yard, we’ll start at the northern point of it. If you’re in an apartment or condo without a yard, just start at the northern point.
Step 4: Now we’re going to find a corner of your yard (or home) in which to place your first quartz point. The starting corner just one step clock-wise from the most northerly point.
Step 5: If you’re outside, bury one of your quartz points in the soil, with the point up. If you’re indoors, place this point in the corner in a way so it won’t be disturbed. Amplifies and clarifies other energies. It’s beneficial for healing, meditation, and protection. We are gridding the exterior edge of your property in quartz to magnify the energies we’ll be trying to encourage within the home.
Step 6: Go to the next corner and bury or place the next quartz point. Then, follow the same process to the last two corners.
Step 7: Once the quartz points have been distributed we’ll place the black tourmaline. If you’re in your yard, you’ll head inside for this step. Find the northern-most corner of your home and place the first black tourmaline piece in a place where it won’t be disturbed. Protection, it creates a shield deflecting and dispelling negative energies, entities, or destructive forces. It guards against radiation and environmental pollutants, and is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy. We’re placing black tourmaline at the borders of your home’s building in order to keep out negativity and strengthen the home’s energetic boundaries.
Step 8: Continue to place the black tourmaline pieces in the corners of your home until you’ve placed the pieces in all four corners. Continue to hold the intentions of this grid as you place the stones.
Step 9: Once the boarder grid has been completed, you’ll move to the nursery or another room associated with the new child. Bring the green aventurine and place it near the child’s space, but not too near to where they sleep. We’re placing green Aventurine here because it brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. Green Aventurine energetically stimulates the physical growth of infants, young children, and teenagers. It increases overall vitality and enhances the intellectual development of children.
Step 10: Next, we’ll take the sodalite and the rose quartz to the very center of the home (or as close as we can get). We’re placing these two stones at the center for the new parents. We’re adding sodalite because it is a calming crystal that activates the heart chakra and helps in understanding your team better. Sodalite promotes intuition and a trust in one’s own judgment, which can be a great ally in daily life. Sodalite helps to achieve emotional balance, releasing old conditioning and programming of the past which no longer serves. The keywords for Sodalite are: teamwork, spiritual development, productive creativity. Place the sodalite somewhere out of site in the center of your home.
Step 11: Finally, we’ll place the rose quartz at the center because Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Rose quartz is often associated with mothers and it helps in creating a steady feeling of love and appreciation throughout the home.
Step 12: Once you’ve placed the final crystal, take a moment to settle yourself and imagine your good intentions filling the home and extending to the very corners of your property. Take one more deep breath and know that your crystals will carry and imprint your intentions.
to Work:
Moon Phase
New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Moon Notes
This spell is best performed on any of the moon phases between New Moon and Waxing Gibbous – any of the “growing” moon phases because these are best for creating new things or setting intentions.
Day Notes
Days of the week to perform this spell are Monday, Thursday, and Friday because Monday is associated with domestic pursuits, Thursday with communication and Friday with family.